

13th JanuaryOXFORDBodleian LibraryPlayford Ball
9th MarchOXFORDKennington Village HallCeilidh
16th MarchISLE of WIGHTTrouville HotelRegency Ball
18th MayDEVIZESThe BearRegency Ball
1st JuneLEAMINGTON SPARoyal Pump RoomsRegency Ball
20th JulyPORTSMOUTHCathedralRegency Ball
30th Aug – 1st Sepnr. TAUNTONHalsway ManorRegency Dance Weekend
21st SeptemberBATHGuildhallRegency Ball
12th OctoberHARTNEY WHITNEYThe ElvethamRegency Ball
16th NovemberNORWICHAssembly HousePlayford Ball


13th-17th Januarynr. TAUNTONHalsway ManorRegency Dance Week
1st MarchLEAMINGTON SPARoyal Pump RoomsRegency Ball
15th MarchISLE of WIGHTTrouville HotelRegency Ball
24th-27th AprilMALTAVarious locationsRegency Dance Weekend
17th MayDEVIZESThe BearRegency Ball
31st MayWINCHESTERCathedralRegency Ball
21st JuneLICHFIELDKing Edward SchoolFolk Festival